It is not a sin to be weak! But it is foolish to be weak alone when, through the commitment of other brothers or sisters, God has provided us with His love for our support. Christian maturity means coming to a place of acknowledging our weaknesses as an opportunity for growth. Paul clearly grasped this point when he wrote of God’s promise to him: “‘My gracious favor is all you need. My power works best in your weakness.’ I am free to tell others about my weaknesses, so that Jesus can accomplish His work in and through me.” (2 Cor. 12:9, author’s paraphrase).
There is a tendency for those who have been following Jesus for some time, or who hold positions of spiritual leadership, to convey the impression that they are beyond temptation. This is dangerous, both for those who think it and for others who may believe them. We all need to go on record saying that we believe in transparency and accountability and that we practice it in a discipleship group. All of us, regardless of our years or position, face temptation and struggle in our lives. There is potential for sin in the heart of every person, and only by taking it seriously and being accountable to others with whom we are journeying with Jesus, can we have victory over sin.
McClung, Floyd. Follow: A Simple and Profound Call to Live like Jesus. Colorado Springs, CO: David C Cook, 2010. Print.