Ministries (Old)

Children’s Ministry

At Cornerstone we recognize that children are precious in the eyes of the Lord and have established five purpose statements to define our children’s ministries-
We will provide an inviting, safe and nurturing environment while teaching and training children in Biblical knowledge.
We will model and teach prayer and Bible study as essential Christian life attributes.
We will model and teach obedience and respect for God and others.
We will model and teach a lifestyle of worship to God and sharing the Gospel.
We will model and teach consigning our time and talents to God.

Youth Ministry

The goal of our youth ministries is to develop the whole person – spiritually, mentally and physically – through Christ-centered programs, evangelistic and leadership training, social interaction and community involvement. Cornerstone Youth Ministry actively works with the church leadership, membership, youth and parents to grow mature, young Christian leaders – who will ultimately be prepared to step into the role of Christian leadership in the church and community.

Women’s Ministry

Professional, friend, daughter, spouse, caregiver, sister, mother, coach, community leader – the list is seemingly endless. These are only a few of the multitudinous responsibilities of today’s woman. At Cornerstone, we exist not to add to your burden but to become an additional resource for you through friendships, teaching, training, and encouragement.
Our vision is to develop in women a heart for God, a heart for others, and a passion to demonstrate the love of Christ each day.
Our mission is to encourage, strengthen, and cultivate the individual gifts and talents of each woman, and to equip all women with a spiritual desire to put their faith and talents into action and become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.

Life is busy, and you have numerous demands placed upon your time. Cornerstone Women’s Ministry provides a fluid structure for your involvement. Quarterly meetings may be augmented with impromptu gatherings and one-on-one opportunities. You are invited to be involved in as little or as great a capacity as your schedule permits. We are here to help you, not wear you out.

Men’s Ministry

The men’s ministry is designed to connect with men wherever they are and give them various opportunities to interact. Throughout the year a variety of meetings, events and activities will help men strengthen and encourage each other in their faith in Jesus Christ. The Men’s Ministry meetings are open to guys from 16 to 60+.
Our vision is to develop men of notable character through friendships, peer accountability and study of God’s word.
Our mission is to contribute our time and talents to building Christ honoring homes, a healthy church and wholesome communities. It isn’t how you look, where you work, what you have, whom you know or what you know that counts. It is who you are when no one else is looking. It’s character that counts.

Our Men’s Ministry utilizes five standards to measure our character development:
Do I use my words to encourage and bring out the best in other people? Do I consistently speak the truth without deception? Are my words sarcastic and cutting or loving and kind?
Is there consistency in my personal conduct? Am I the same person Monday that worshipped God on Sunday? Does what I do match what I say. Am I living a Christ centered life 24/7?
Am I interested in the well being of others? Do I show compassion and tenderness toward others?
Do I willingly trust God to give me direction, or do I live purely by human strength? Am I willing to take wise risks and live on the edge?
Am I a man that seeks to be morally, ethically and spiritually pure before God? The greatest gift I can give my church is exhibiting a life of personal holiness. Nothing is more important in leading others to Christ than a fervent, authentic relationship with Jesus.

Music Ministry

At Cornerstone you will experience a diversity of Christ glorifying music. Each song is meticulously selected to ensure biblical and doctrinal accuracy. Cornerstone music ministers are keenly aware of their role in encouraging and guiding people into a meaningful worship experience. Our worship services are: biblical, energetic, spiritual, inspirational, and full of life!
Our vision is to glorify God and bring the promise of salvation to all people through Christ-centered music.
Our mission, in collaboration with the pastoral and prayer ministries, is to provide a God glorifying environment where every individual may encounter the miracle of God’s presence, experience His love and embrace His gift of salvation.

Music is a powerful tool. It has the power to create moods, change atmospheres, and move people to action. It has the ability to nurture or degrade the spiritual climate of a congregation. Authentic worship is born of a dynamic relationship with Jesus. Praises flowing from a heart that is intimate with Christ will draw others into an atmosphere of reverence and contemplation. Worship guided by people of great faith can elevate an entire congregation to an exuberant attitude of praise. Life altering encounters with God often occur in moments of genuine praise and worship. The ministry of music is frequently the instrument God chooses to reach into the heart of a person seeking a deeper relationship with Him.

How is the music selected at Cornerstone?
1. Does it glorify God?
2. Does it exalt God’s gift of salvation?
3. Is it Biblically accurate?

Ministry through music means different things to different people: to those who participate actively in music, it is a means of stewardship and an expression of faith. To those who minister as pastors, the ministry of music represents a means of expression and edification of spiritual concepts. To those who participate as listeners and responders, the ministry of music becomes a means of expression of praise, thanksgiving, confession, gratitude, adoration and worship of God.